Lost Instructional Time Assistance

Florida Atlantic University is vulnerable to weather events and unforeseen circumstances like the COVID-19 pandemic that may require the University to close and cancel classes. The safety of our students, staff, and faculty is the top priority.

To comply with regulations regarding contact minutes and financial aid, the University must provide a full semester's worth of educational time. Instructors are responsible for making up lost instruction when classes are canceled. This page offers guidance on how to do so.

The following options are available to help faculty accommodate lost instructional time. Assistance is provided by the Office of Information Technology (OIT) and the Center for Online and Continuing Education (COCE).

Options to Make Up Lost Instructional Time

1. Schedule Recording in a Classroom
  • Record a replacement lecture using a Mediasite-equipped classroom. This setup captures the computer desktop, personal laptop, and/or document camera along with audio and video from the classroom.
  • Schedule a replacement recording.
2. Record Video Lecture
  • Use My Mediasite to create lecture recordings, such as a narrated PowerPoint, that capture your desktop and audio (and may include video).
  • Reserve the Video Self-Serve Studio if you need assistance and a space ready to record (includes lights, camera, microphones, and backgrounds).
  • My Mediasite Documentation.
3. Virtual Live Lecture
  • Host a live lecture virtually with your students. These sessions can be recorded and played back for those who were unable to join live.
  • Create a Zoom Session in Canvas.
4. Canvas Activities
  • Add assignments, discussion boards, quizzes/tests, and course materials (such as a lecture PowerPoint) to make up lost instructional time.
  • Canvas Guides.

Additional Assistance

Student Accessibility Services
Ensure all audio and/or video presentations have closed captioning, alt-text, or are universally accessible.

Contact the SAS office at accommodations@letaoyizs.com or call 561-297-3880 for assistance. 

For more detailed information and support, please visit the FAU Instructional Resources page.